The Trance of Bachata

Juan Castillo


For most Latinos, their music is not a just music but it is a way of life. It is mixed deep in the culture and can be seen in almost everything. Music plays a role in the way they walk, the way they talk, and sim[le daily aspects. It seems like we Latinos are always on time with a 3/2 clave or a tumbao on the congas. Even though I personally love salsa because of its complicated nature with each instrument playing a different rhythm but each part essential in making salsa sound so unique. I personally just never could master the dance but I will one day. What I really wanted to focus on was not salsa but the hypnotizing sounds of bachata.

Most people say that all bachata sounds the same because of the bass. But what they do not understand when they say that is that bachata needs that constant bass. It is not just music to listen to, but it is music to dance to. The bass is the reason for the one-two step to dancing bachata and it must remain in every song so that people do not lose rhythm. Even though that may be the same, the other components that make up the song are not the same. For example, we can look at the songs “Solo por un beso” by Aventura and “Darte un beso” by Prince Royce.

  1. In the song by Aventura, there is a guitar introductions that is incredible, unlike anything I have ever heard which is one of the reasons I enjoy this song. The song is also dreamy which matches with the lyrics of the song saying, “with only a kiss one can fall in love”. So, the song makes it seem like the listener is in the clouds just like in puppy love when everything is sweet and beautiful. Not only this but the song ends using a rumba rhythm which I have not heard of in any other bachata song.

  1. In the song by Prince Royce, there is a ukulele introduction which is incredible. When I first heard the song, I did not know what to think at first but then it flows beautifully into this bachata rhythm that makes you want to hold your partner close. The song captivates you and moves you if you let it. With the outro having a similar ukulele rhythm it is like you are being awakened from this trance that the song originally placed on you.

I honestly cannot put my finger on it as to why bachata is just so good at putting people in a trance. There are times when I listen to bachata and breathing gets slower, I start to picture myself dancing with somebody, everyone is looking at us dance so good, and then when I wake up I have to catch my breath because it felt so real. Maybe it is the bass and its constant rhythm that makes you lose yourself in its steadiness. Or maybe it is the lyrics and what the singer is singing that touches you. But regardless of what it is, Bachata takes you someplace every time you dance or just sit and really listen. Music can be so powerful and me being a Latino, I can understand why it is such an important part of my culture. I can feel bachata, salsa, and merengue in me in everything I do and I will never cease to enjoy listening to it. It is all a part of me.

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